African Leadership University

Venture by ALU. An online course for young entrepreneurs.

Venture is ALU’s newly launched free online course, designed to unleash your entrepreneurial potential by capturing the lessons and experiences of some of ALU’s top innovators and founders 

With the world currently facing one of its biggest challenges – the COVID-19 pandemic -, many bright up and coming entrepreneurs are confined at home, and what better way to spend this time than learning about the real-life principles of entrepreneurship?

One of the aspects that makes ALU so special is its unwavering focus on entrepreneurial leadership. For this reason, it’s not surprising that many of our students are already entrepreneurs by the time they reach us, and many more launch successful ventures from campus. Likewise, many of ALU’s staff and faculty have previously launched or currently run successful ventures of their own. 

In the Venture course, ALU entrepreneurs, both staff and students, share insights and highlights from their own entrepreneurial journeys, and advice for those who would like to follow in their footsteps.

“Any young person in Africa, through their mobile phone, who wants to learn anything, can find it! They can apply these lessons to solve problems” – ALU CEO and Founder, Fred Swaniker, talking about the Venture program.

Here’s a small taste of what you can find in Venture.

Start. Think. Launch. Grow.

Farai Mujomba, an ALU student and entrepreneur, defines entrepreneurship as “being able to throw yourself fully at a problem and test out all your hypotheses without losing steam”. Farai, along with other incredible young entrepreneurs within the ALU community, shares his experiences and lessons encountered throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

This is done through four different categories of the Venture course: Start, Think, Launch and Grow.

  • Start. The first module is about self-awareness and encompasses participants reflecting on their identity, identifying their personal values and understanding their unique set of passions.
  • Think. This second section probes one to think about what it really means to be an entrepreneur. It involves defining ones journey as entrepreneurs and the values that they need to possess as leaders.
  • Launch. As the name suggests, this section answers the question of what it means to bring a venture to life. As you go through the course, you will interrogate your personal sources of motivation and drive to launch a business venture.
  • Grow. In this module, you will get a chance to learn about some of the mistakes that young entrepreneurs tend to make, and how they learn and grow from them.

The ALU advantage for entrepreneurs

The course has a strong ALU advantage DNA, and with this comes crucial skills that young entrepreneurs in the African continent need. For example,n the course, young business owner Catherine Njeri outlines some of the crucial skills that the ALU advantage has given her as an entrepreneur.

Some of the many opportunities ALU offers to entrepreneurs are:

  • Learn how to pitch yourself,
  • How to communicate your thoughts and your ideas, and
  • How to grow a network.

Why you should be part of the program

Venture by ALU presents a unique  opportunity to learn from young (and young at heart) people who have successfully launched impactful ventures. It provides real-life experience and is designed by entrepreneurs. It also presents the chance to utilize this time of studying, learning and working from home, in a productive manner that will equip you with essential problem-solving skills.

How to Access Venture

If you want to kick-start the course, click here to register your name and email address. You can also follow the updates about Venture on our social media platforms. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to learn. What better way to make the most of the confinement period?

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