African Leadership University

#LeadTheChange: Nigerian Applicants Motivated to Make Presentations About ALU

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What inspired you to start going to schools to speak about ALU?

Idowu: Fred Swaniker’s talk at the TEDGlobal Conference in Brazil last year and also ALU’s effort to help the future leaders in Africa

Oluseye: I was inspired by ALU’s vision to unleash Africa’s potential by developing young people. I learnt a lot from the Africa Rising course and I believed that if just a small amount of students could get access to such class, the ideas about Africa’s possibilities will be enhanced in such minds and growth will surely come to Africa.

How did you pick the schools you visited?

Oluseye: The YAR in Nigeria (Ukeme Jonah) helped us. We basically selected public schools and a few private ones in rural Lagos. Most of these schools have disadvantaged youths with great minds and ALU could help them achieve greater purposes for themselves and the community.

What was your elevator pitch?

Oluseye: It was basically about the 45% unemployment rate amongst graduates in Africa and how most if not all universities in Africa (about 95%) are just about theoretical lessons and not the skills. This leads to employers saying things like “students are unemployable”. ALU will help students to acquire skills and also will teach the theoretical aspects.

What was the most challenging and fulfilling part of the Africa Rising Course?

Idowu: The most challenging part was the quiz because I was preparing for exams during that period. The reflections, peer assignments and discussions were fulfilling. I really enjoyed it.

Oluseye: Keeping up with discussions due to weak or bad internet service. I also had to juggle my university classes with the Africa Rising discussion 2 and 3. The fulfilling part was connecting with different great minds from across Africa and learning a lot more about Africa, technology and innovation. I was able to move my social enterprise vision to Zimbabwe through a fellow applicant called Astley, so as to replicate the change I had initiated in Nigeria in Zimbabwe.

Why are you applying to ALU?

Idowu: I really want to make Fred Swaniker’s dream a reality by using the knowledge that I will acquire at ALU to make Africa a better continent.

Oluseye: I want to learn more about Africa and entrepreneurship, connect with minds and work in teams to achieve positive and great results and to lead the change that will affect Africa positively.

What do you think is missing in tertiary level education in Africa?

Idowu: Teaching method

Oluseye: Skills, communication between lecturers and students and technology.

How do you think ALU will solve it?

Idowu: ALU will provide qualified lecturers with adequate support to students

Oluseye: ALU will solve the skill problem through its internship program. The issue of communication and technology will be solved through ALU’s MOOC platform as it will help educators teach and communicate with students on-the-go. A student will not need to fail before an educator communicates with him, so as to help him out to achieve better.

The team is proud of Idowu and Oluseye for taking the initiative to tell others about ALU.

The ALU #LeadTheChange series highlights ALU applicants that have been inspired by ALU to start initiatives to improve their communities. New stories every Monday[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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